San Anselmo, California, 13th-14th July, 2019
This summer in California (just over the Golden Gate Bridge in sunny Marin), a compassionate, heart-held space awaits you to clear your mind of psychic debris, to lighten your heart from emotional burdens, and to allow your soul to feel safe and at home in your body.
Guided circle meditations, gentle somatic-release yoga and movement, and soul truth exploration exercises will bring you into optimal well-being.
2 Day Workshop co-facilitated by Danielle Vierling, & Julian Arranz both certified Polarity therapists (intergrated energy healing bodyworkers) based in Dublin, Ireland.
Group activities:
Experience Heart-centered to re-connect with your essential soul self and to sustain a positive focus anywhere, anytime;
Deepen CONNECTIVITY with yourself & others on all the levels, mentally, emotionally, physically, & spiritually;
Liberate your energies and expression via Synergy ;
One-on-One Treatments & Inner Process Facilitation Available in the mornings or evenings.
Re-balance energy & relax deeply through (Somatic release WORK, polarity therapy bodywork & Lomi Lomi Hawaiian healing massage);
Engage in private yoga/exercises for your Personal Process;
Validate your deeper self and discover what fulfills you via (i.e. Astrology, Tarot, etc.)
A small group of participants who are ready to let go of what no longer services them, and to embrace more of a Life Worth Living! Well experienced retreat, group, and one-to-one facilitators to support the best in you!
About Danielle Vierling
She was certified in the healing practice of Polarity Therapy by the American Polarity Therapy Association (www.polaritytherapy.org) in 1996 plus is a a member of I.P.E.A. (The International Polarity Education Alliance), Member of Polarity Therapy Healing Ireland and has a qualification in Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage. She also holds a Masters degree in International Communications and Conflict Resolution. Her training and application of skill has been inclusive of intuitive counseling, emotional and mental re-patterning, nutrition, and yoga and SynergyDance exercises to empower individuals and groups to be healthy on all levels (heart, body, & soul) in their daily lives. She offers one on one and group sessions to help her clients release blocked emotions and self-limiting thoughts/beliefs so that they may embrace more love, joy, and fulfillment in their lives. Over her 20 years of passionate service in Dublin, Ireland, she has become adept at respecting the needs of each client with her compassion in a safe l energetic space, intuitively identifying the imbalances found in their energetic field, and in re-stimulating their natural balance, energy flow, and well-being.
About Julian A. Arranz
He is a Polarity Therapy Professional from Madrid, a member of I.P.E.A. (The International Polarity Education Alliance), Member of Polarity Therapy Healing Ireland and a member of A.E.T.P. (Spanish Polarity Therapy Association). He has qualifications in Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage and Functional osteopathic technique. After four years of training and practice in Polarity Therapy his goal is to teach how to discover and to connect with the deepest, authentic and highest self to live a life full of meaning and purpose; providing the tools and knowledge necessary to become responsible of your health and wellness. Julián studied History of Philosophy and Science in Complutense University in Madrid, is Professor of Arts, Creativity and Techniques for personal development. Furthermore he is Contemporary Visual Art Artist, electronic musician and author of the book "Art, pleasure and technology".
The ambient and spacious Alma del Tango Studio tucked into the charming town of San Anselmo in sunny Marin, California and within walking distance to all the delightful cafes and boutique shops.
TESTIMONIALS last Retreat in Ireland June 2019
Welsh participant, Summer Solstice 2019 Ireland Retreat,
Tuned into what everyone needed. Very fulfilling & helpful!
French participant, Summer Solstice 2019 Ireland Retreat,
An experience I would live over and over again! Such a very interesting, relaxed, warm-hearted, and safe environment was created. So personal and friendly and a well-organized schedule.
Finnish Participant, Summer Solstice 2019 Ireland Retreat,
Danielle & Julian were great facilitators because they covered many topics, kept it fun, and are very compatible working together. Group sessions were supportive and compassionate. Every person was encouraged, honored, and respected for their participation.
German Participant, Summer Solstice 2019 Ireland Retreat,
Great Retreat! The facilitators were a fantastic team! I definitely feel a lot better then when I arrived. It was very healing.
Sevilla, Spain Participant, Summer Solstice 2019 Ireland Retreat,
It was an amazing weekend with beautiful people, energies, and connection welcomed in the group. Very well organized, complete, helpful and professional. I just wish it had been longer! I am definitely coming back to the next retreat with Danielle and Julian. 100% recommended!
Madrid, Spain Participant, Summer Solstice 2019 Ireland Retreat,
Very well directed the group. I have recharged my energy and I have learned a lot.
Dublin, Ireland Irish Participant, Summer Solstice 2019 Ireland Retreat,
Excellent best retreat ever! Loved every minute!
TESTIMONIALS last Retreat in Spain October 2018
"I found the classes throughout the retreat very helpful, informative and very enjoyable. The food was wonderful and I feel the facilitators got a lovely balance between doing deep work and creating a supportive, caring, fun environment that was very accepting and inclusive. Lovely atmosphere overall was created for this retreat-thank you."
Spain Heaven on Earth Retreat Participant from Ireland, October 2018.
"This retreat helped me to resource myself- Danielle and Julian did everything in their effort to facilitate this. Warm people and delicious food! I felt very much at home and thought repeatedly that this was absolutely the right place for me to be! Thank you very much! "
Spain Heaven on Earth Retreat Participant from Switzerland, October 2018.
“... I enjoyed the retreat and I found myself connecting in and switching off from the world which was great for me. I also got to meet some really lovely people.”.
Spain Heaven on Earth Retreat Participant from Ireland, October 2018
To secure a place and room preference for this retreat, please fill out an application and make your deposit per links below:
Price, Terms & Conditions
To secure a place please choose your option below:
80USD for SATURDAY (2-6pm )
Yes, I want to make a payment
150USD for SATURDAY & SUNDAY (12-4pm)
Yes, I want to make a payment