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Sli Na Bande - Wicklow Mountains, Ireland,

 Weekend  Friday, 11th - 6pm to Sunday, 13th - 4pm September 2020.



Step into a Soulful Sanctuary in the beauty and magic of Ireland's Wicklow mountains where you will receive the utmost CARE & SUPPORT  for your body-soul connection.



Your Devoted Soul Truth Maven, Danielle Vierling, and  Gifted Compassionate Healer  Julian Arranz have excellent qualifications and decades of experience to truly give you the BEST in support of your ultimate well-being.   They walk their talk as individuals and a true heart team in their devotion to the practice of aligning body and soul everyday and in every way possible to really LIVE their Dreams.
They feel passionate and honored  to share these practices with you. 


Group activities:

  • Experience MEDITATION to re-connect with your essential soul self and to sustain a positive focus anywhere, anytime;

  • Practice YOGA to release stress, anxiety & pain. Cultivate balance.  Feel at home & relaxed in your sensual body;

  • Deepen CONNECTIVITY with yourself & others on all the levels, mentally, emotionally, physically, & spiritually;

  • Enjoy Time in NATURE to ground with the support & nourishment that Mother Earth gives;

  • Liberate your energies and expression via Synergy DANCE;

  • Ease away your tensions in the FRESH water swimming pond and Hot tub;

  • Explore SOUL TRUTH via facilitated circle sharing.


One-on-One Treatments & Inner Process Facilitation

  • Re-balance energy & relax deeply through PRIVATE PLINTH SESSIONS (Somatic release WORK, polarity therapy bodywork & Lomi Lomi Hawaiian healing massage);

  • Expand your awareness via COUNSELING;

  • Engage in private yoga/exercises for your Personal EMPOWERMENT Process;

  • Validate your deeper self and discover what fulfills you via SOUL TRUTH TOOLS (i.e. Astrology, Tarot, etc.

    Nurture, integrate, and rejuvenate your body, heart, and soul with the Natural Elements:

  • FIRE   Active and creative exercises that release stress and open up confidence to express yourself!

  • WATER  Fresh Water Swimming Pond and Hot tub relaxation, compassionate LOVE via One to One healing Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage, and expressive movement.

  • EARTH Daily Yoga (indoors/Outdoors depending on weather) and delicious home-cooked vegetarian meals in the Coffee-House

  • AIR  Fresh Mountain Air and everywhere and fresh perspectives, education, and conversations that will illuminate your SOUL TRUTH.

  • ETHER  Plenty of personal SPACE to connect with yourself and the SOURCE of All that is through MEDITATION, and communion with Nature.





A small group of participants who are ready to let go of what no longer services them, and to embrace more of a Life Worth Living!  Well experienced retreat, group, and one-to-one facilitators to support the best in you!



​​About Danielle Vierling

Danielle Vierling, Soul Truth Maven & SynergyDance Facilitator, initiated into the esoteric arts and Native American rituals as a child of the 1960s with spiritually inspired & guided parents, educated with a Masters degree in International Communications & Conflict Resolution (1993), and trained and certified in Polarity Therapy (integrated energy healing), SynergyDance/Yoga (therpeutic movement) (1996)and Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage (2018).  In professional practice for 22 years in Ireland and worldwide helping thousands of clients get empowered through body-soul alignment & having successfully delivered 8  well-being retreats in the USA, Ireland, Spain, & Italy. 

Danielle is FULLY HERE for YOU at HEART!


About Julian A. Arranz

Julian ARRANZ, born with a Gift in his Hands for Art, Design, Energy Healing, Massage, and Compassionate Touch.   He has a University education in Philosophy, science and the Arts, and qualifications in Polarity therapy, Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage, and functional osteopathic technique.  His professional practice over many years has been to teach people how to discover and connect with the deepest, authentic, and highest self to live a life full of meaning & purpose, providing the tools &  knowledge necessary to become responsible for health and wellness.  He has whole-heartedly co-facilitated numerous workshops and 3 amazing retreats with Danielle over the past 5 years. 

Julian is Fully Here for you at HEART!


TESTIMONIALS previous Retreats

"I would just like to say how thankful I am for the retreat.  It was so much more than I could have imagined.  The setting was so idealic, food amazing and the company very uplifting.  The energy work was nothing like I had ever experienced and since the retreat I have felt such a weight off my shoulders.  Your warm open heart was such a pleasure to be around and yourself and Julian held the group so beautifully. I feel so blessed to have had a 1:1 reading with yourself.  You were so generous with your time and I found the information really inspiring.  I will definitely be recommending you to friends in Dublin!

From the bottom of my heart thank you so much for everything you have given and shared with me.  I will definitely be keeping my eye out for your retreats in the future!"
Ireland Summer Wicklow Retreat Participant from Ireland, August 2020.

"I found the classes throughout the retreat very helpful, informative and very enjoyable. The food was wonderful and I feel the facilitators got a lovely balance between doing deep work and creating a supportive, caring, fun environment that was very accepting and inclusive. Lovely atmosphere overall was created for this retreat-thank you."
Spain Heaven on Earth Retreat Participant from Ireland, October 2018.


"This retreat helped me to resource myself- Danielle and Julian did everything in their effort to facilitate this.  Warm people and delicious food!  I felt very much at home and thought repeatedly that this was absolutely the right place for me to be! Thank you very much! "
Spain Heaven on Earth Retreat Participant from Switzerland, October 2018.

“... I enjoyed the retreat and I found myself connecting in and switching off from the world which was great for me. I also got to meet some really lovely people.”.
Spain Heaven on Earth Retreat Participant from Ireland, October 2018



2 MAGICAL AUTUMN NIGHTS & 3 PLAYFUL DAYS with FULL BOARD  gorgeous accommodation, facilities, hot tub and vegetarian cuisine plus Yoga/Dance, meditation, somatic healing practices and option for one on one bodywork or soul truth sessions:


No shared en-suite chalet:  396 Euro





 Shared en-suite with your own bed in a chalet:  344 Euro



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We invite you to share this body, heart and soul nourishing weekend at a beautiful eco-retreat center known as Sli Na Bande which means “Way of the Goddess” in Gaelic. Here you will find an enchanting spread of rustic chalet accommodations, a delightful vegetarian cafe with all locally sourced ingredients, a hot tub and fresh water swimming pond, and woods with walking trails. 


Blue Light Lady

Navigating the celestial

© 2024 Danielle Vierling - Full Insurance Practitioner


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